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bild digital twin

This event had taken place online on 11.09.23 from 16:30-17:30h.

The first BIM-based Digital Twin enabling solution “Siemens Ecodomus platform” was established in 2009. Over the years there have been collaborations with the world’s best known facility owners like the US Government, Sydney Opera House, Google, etc.

The webinar covered the Digital Twin implementation lessons learned: What technology approaches were well received by the clients and where did the expectations of IT-savvy folks not meet the realities of the client’s users?

What is expected now considering the wave of the latest technology breakthroughs like AI/ML, AR/MR, etc?

Referent Igor Starkov, Siemens
Einleitung Isabelle Wrase, IFMA
Moderation Simon Ashworth, ZHAW IFM
